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Showing posts from November, 2016

Fresh Pottery Nov 27, 2016

Pate, salt pig and butter dish Lasagna dish Fish Platter Garlic, Soap Pump, Gravy Boat Inny Serving Dish Large Bowl Mugs Perfect "One" Bowls Serving Set Here are just a few pieces that came out recently. Aurora is as unpredictable and mysterious as ever.

Campfire Pottery for Children of all ages

This is a reprint of an earlier Blog for those who are new or may have missed it. I wrote the original article  to encourage adults and children to explore pottery making from the ground up and at home with local materials. Most children already know how to play with mud and it's the adults who need to remember the joys of water, mud and fire and realize it is all free for the digging and burning and with your time. Clay is an entirely different social medium and can be found everywhere or at your local potter. Campfire Pottery - for Children of all ages Earth , air , fire , water , and imagination are the ingredients. Simply shape a clay mix - let it dry, and paint it as is or “fire” it first to red heat in an outdoor fire or fireplace to transform raw clay back into rock. Adult supervision recommended for firing. Earth : Clay is finely ground earth. A mixture of clay and filler such as sand and or sawdust/straw etc. will dry and fire more easily than pure clay...

Kamloops and Kelowna Show pictures

Kelowna Show Me in Kelowna R.I.H. Show East R.I.H. Show West TVPG Show East TVPG Show West Thanks to all you Kamloops and Kelowna Pottery lovers for making the past two weekend shows a delight. Meeting new customers and serving happy returning ones is most gratifying and encouraging. Your needs and wants (for pottery) is what inspires my work. I quote my first mentor Bernard Leach from his book "The Potter's Challenge". "If a potter is making utensils for use he is doing two things at the same time : he is making ware that may give pleasure in use, which provides one form of satisfaction to the maker, and he is travelling in the never-ending search for perfection of form, which...